The Life and Inspiring Poetry of a Woman from Kansas.

Velma Cochren Priest Terry, daughter, wife, mother, and grandmother (1915-1999).


TIME. V. Terrry (1989)


Life flows down the river of time,
Going swiftly on its way.
It never waits for anyone;
Never stops for a single day.

Time is not a tangible thing
That we can see with our eye.
When we’re young it goes so slow…
When we are old, it seems to fly.

Our time clock starts to tick away
The very day we are born.
It never stops for anything;
It runs from night to morn.

Things connected with our life
Are all bound together in time.
All entwined with happiness,
And with sorrow too, we find.

It’s only made for mortality
In life it’s always by our side.
When our life is over here
Then time gently steps aside.

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